Array Media
Creative and engaging digital media and marketing.

Array Media is the freelance business of Jared Press

Array Media focuses on a personalised approach to each project, utilising multidisciplinary skills to achieve great outcomes. The services on offer can be tailored to suit, be it a simple logo design or a website and social media presence complete with graphic design, photography, video production pieces and engaging in active marketing and advertising.

You'll get to work directly with one person (Jared, of course) from beginning to end!

Array Media is based in North East Victoria and Southern New South Wales, or to be more specific, Albury-Wodonga! Service scope includes the entire region, but of course many projects can be done remote if need be!

Customised and flexible services

Powerful and creative content developed for your audiences.

Array Media


Web Design and Development

User-friendly and responsive designs, from concept to going online.

Videography and Production

From the storyboard and concept to post-production and distribution.

Graphic Design

Package your ideas into amazing designs.

Marketing and Advertising

Boost your voice share of voice with your audiences.

Get in touch.

I'm more than happy to have a chat about what amazing projects you have in mind!



Here you'll find some of the projects I've undertaken, as both Array Media and my regular employment.

More can be found on Array Media's Behance

SAF Mockup
Model Photo
Refund Express
Twitch Graphics
BEC Advice

Meet Jared

Jared Press Owner, creator and all-round polite person.

Connect with me

Array Media

I'm Jared, a marketing and digital content professional with a strong background in digital media production, developing online communities, digital and traditional advertising, and marketing strategy!

I work full-time in marketing and communications management. I created Array Media so I could work on a diverse range of projects, utilising my wide range of skillsets within technology, content creation and marketing. In this, I'm able to keep developing my skills but also work with a great arrangement of clients to bring their ideas to life!

In my spare (non-work, non-freelance) time, I guess you could see me as some geeky-outdoorsy-gamer guy, with an affection for craft beer, heavy metal and mountain biking around the North East High Country.

Get in touch

Have a new project or just want to say "Hello"?

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